Africa Population Forecast Chart

Sub-Saharan Africa’s population is projected to double between 2022 and 2050, increasing the demand for nutritious and safe food.
Africa’s full agricultural potential remains untapped.
The continent of Africa could produce 2 – 3 times more cereals and grains which would add 20% more cereals and grains to the current worldwide 2.6 billion tons of output. If it increases its agricultural output- McKinsey.
Sub-Saharan Africa’s agricultural sector is expected to grow to $1 Trillion by 2030.
The average age of farmers globally is 60 while in Africa and America it is 65 and 57.5 respectively.
Therefore, this poses a threat to the global food supply, as the younger generation is not taking over. Moreover, agriculture is increasingly demanding disruptive technologies and a commitment to regenerative techniques.
In simple terms, there’s a need for young, digitally, and ecologically- minded farmers around the world.