Leveraging digital technologies to deliver solutions that increase safe food
production and improve climate resilience.

Emerging Commercial Farmers

Home Growers

Food Manufacturers

Government Agencies

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Emerging Commercial Farmers
⦁Gain access to affordable, user-friendly AI technologies for precision farming.
⦁Increase farm productivity and yield.
⦁Reduce preharvest crop losses.
⦁Increase trade and income.
⦁Access real time agronomic data and insights for better decision making on seasonal crops, best prices, and detection of farm anomalies for immediate attention.
⦁Access historic and predictive analysis of the yield data to help you raise capital.
⦁Access eco-smart farm inputs at reduced cost.
⦁Market linkages with negotiated off-take agreements.
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Home Growers
If you are a health fanatic, an avid gardener, urban farmer or run students or youth farming educational programs, this is for you.
⦁Access practical and user-friendly advice on how to grow your own safe, fresh, and nutritious food.
⦁Gain access to 33 000 plant species, crops, herbs, and animal husbandry advisory at your fingertips
⦁Analyse crops’ pests and diseases in 5 seconds with 93% accuracy to get symptoms diagnosis, treatment options and preventative measures.
⦁Manage nutrients levels, soil, and water effectively.
⦁Access our EVOCHAT to enquire about any other challenge you face in farming, including animal husbandry.
⦁Capture, Monitor and track your field activities.
⦁Access eco-smart inputs at affordable prices.
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Food Manufacturers
The time you spent looking for information will now be spent analyzing data, identifying problems before becoming catastrophic, finding solutions, and executing on the plan. Our Business Intelligence Platform enables you to:
⦁ Procure the best quality products that are grown the right way to achieve sustainability goals of reducing greenhouse emissions.
⦁ Access real time data to monitor farmers’ progress, yield, and crop nutrients levels to detect anomalies, minimize rejects and low harvest.
⦁ Analyze supply chains and market digitally, quantify customer value, interpret customer behavior, and evaluate distribution processes.
⦁ Access one central dashboard for setting up, reviewing, and updating content and reports.
⦁ Deliver traceable and better-quality products to consumers.

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Government Agencies
⦁ Enable strong institutional data coordination, dissemination, and reporting.
⦁ Effective assessment and monitoring of water stress, droughts and climate change for instant warning and reduced response time.
⦁ Access to high-quality, real-time data & insights from district, regional and national levels for improved monitoring and forecasting.
⦁ Access to affordable technologies with local context to enable small farmers in disadvantaged communities to grow their own food and sell surplus to local communities, alleviating hunger and creating self-employment projects.
⦁ Increased environmental sustainability through increased water preservation and reduced water contamination.
⦁ Foster a resilient, digitally transformed agricultural sector that withstands sudden environmental, social, and economic challenges.
⦁ Reduced Inequality through full participation of women in agriculture.
⦁ Effective monitoring and evaluation of community support programs.t